Monday, March 29, 2010

Earth Hour 2010: final update



Earth Hour Update: FINAL


As Lights Come Back On, Earth Hour's

Record Action Offers a Beacon of Hope


March 28, 2010: Sydney Australia: 19.30 AEST/ 08.30 GMT


As the lights of Apia, Samoa were turned on once again at 21.30pm local time (08.30 GMT), the citizens of the world reflected on the planet's largest collective leadership for climate action – Earth Hour 2010.


25 and three quarters hours after the first lights were turned off in Chatham Islands, the world has seen the lights go off on heritage sites, ancient and modern marvels, local cafes, schools, royal and presidential palaces, universities and backyard dinner parties.


A record 126 countries and territories, over 4,000 cities, towns and municipalities and hundreds of millions of people across the globe took part in delivering a powerful action of hope for a better, healthy planet.


Andy Ridley Co-Founder and Executive Director of Earth Hour said, "The response from citizens, businesses and government has been truly phenomenal. Crossing geographic, economic and cultural boundaries, it has brought together people from all over the planet to celebrate the one thing we all share – the place we live."


"WWF's Earth Hour, at a personal, local and global level has become a rallying point for those who want action on climate change and are prepared to be part of the solution," Ridley said.


WWF-International's Director-General Jim Leape who attended the lights out celebrations at the Forbidden City in China said, ""Tonight, hundreds of millions of people raised their voices by turning out their lights. It is a simple act, but a powerful call to action," Jim Leape said.


Around the world, Earth Hour was embraced by all walks of life, transcending race, culture, age and economics as individuals took leadership in their communities in the pursuit of a climate change solution.


United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon said, "The message of Earth Hour is simple. Climate change is a concern for each of us.  Solutions are within our grasp and are ready to be implemented by individuals, communities, businesses and governments around the globe."


Yolanda Kakabadse, WWF International President and Former Ecuadorian Environment Minister said, "Never doubt that decision makers will be watching what masses of people do in their homes and communities for Earth Hour.  Dealing with climate change is not easy and leaders are themselves looking for leadership on the issue."


South African Nobel Peace Prize Winner, The Most Reverend Archbishop Desmond Tutu said, "Earth Hour is an opportunity for every man, woman and child from all corners of the globe to unite and show the world that by working together we can win the battle against global warming."


Mrs. Kim Barrow, First Lady of Belize said, "The time to act is now. Tomorrow is way too late. Take responsibility and make your mark. Any other option is unacceptable."


Once again, Earth Hour was owned by the people of the planet. In Sydney, a participant at a candle lit dinner said, "(Earth Hour) is a great moment to think about our impact on the environment and our place in making a positive change for our planet.  It is a great way of uniting people to act on climate change."


In Cusco, Peru, Earth Hour supporters walked the streets reminding residents to turn out their lights.


More than ever before, social media was a powerful force in spreading the message of Earth Hour.  Celebrity tweets included:


  • Twitter's most popular tweeter, Ashton Kutcher – "Earth Hour is at 8.30.  Let's shut the lights off."
  • Demi Moore – "Are your lights off for Earth Hour?"
  • Coldplay – "Get out your flashlights for Earth Hour."


While Kylie Minogue tweeted a picture of the candle she lit.


Impressions online included:


  • 74.6 million of Earth Hour mentions on Google within 24 hours
  • Number 1 worldwide trending topic on Twitter for most of the 24 hours, which never fell below position 7 (at it's peak 2.2 % of all tweets were Earth Hour related)
  • Over 1,000 official Earth Hour photos were submitted from around the world


As the world once again freely uses its lights, Earth Hour organisers believe that actions of individuals throughout Earth Hour has demonstrated the desire that remains embedded in the hearts and minds of the people of the planet to make a difference in their everyday lives and to make every hour, earth hour.






Switch off your lights for Earth Hour 2011

Saturday 26 March, 8.30pm-9.30pm 



Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Online Road Safety Video Teaches Cyclists & Heavy Goods Vehicle Drivers How To Share The Road Safely

nline Road Safety Video Teaches Cyclists & Heavy Goods Vehicle Drivers How To Share The Road Safely

The Road Safety Authority (RSA), in association with the Department of Transport's Smarter Travel initiative, the Irish Road Haulage Association, and Dublin City Council, today launched their first ever road safety online video. The aim of the video is to help cyclists and Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) drivers become more aware of each other as they navigate Ireland's busy roads. 

The six 1/2 minute video was produced to provide an educational resource to Goods vehicle drivers and cyclists on how to safely share the road, particularly in urban areas. Research has shown that over the period, 1998 to 2008:

·         144 cyclists were killed on Irish roads.

·         Of these, 33% were involved in a collision with a goods vehicle.

·         30% of the collisions occurred during evening rush hour.

·         The highest number of fatalities occurred in Dublin accounting for 30% of those killed.

Speaking today, Mr. Noel Dempsey TD, Minister for Transport, wholeheartedly welcomed the video, saying it is a  "really useful learning aid for cyclists and HGV drivers alike. We all share our roads, but we can sometimes forget that different types of road users have different characteristics and needs. Cyclists will welcome not only the opportunity to see the challenges that can face HGV drivers in negotiating the urban environment due to the size of their vehicles but also the commonsense safety advice that this video contains. HGV drivers will welcome this reminder of the need to be ultra cautious where there are likely to be cyclists about. And all drivers need to be ever more aware of cyclists as the Government delivers on our policy of securing a fivefold increase in cycling by 2010"

The Minister continued, "This is a very worthwhile initiative led by the Road Safety Authority. But I am particularly heartened by the collaboration that has taken place between the RSA,, the Irish Road haulage association, Dublin City Council and my Department in delivering the video. This sort of teamwork convinces me more than ever that Ireland can, and will, work together to deliver not only our cycling targets but a sustainable Smarter Travel future"

The video follows a HGV driver as he travels through Dublin's busy streets, typical of those found in other major cities and large towns in Ireland. It highlights the concerns goods vehicle drivers and in particular HGV drivers have in urban areas in relation to cyclists,  illustrates the vulnerability cyclists may feel when sharing the road with goods vehicles and offers commonsense advice to HGV drivers. It also advises cyclists to be aware of the "blind zone" which prevents HGV drivers of seeing cyclists positioned to the left or close to the front of a HGV.

Noel Brett, Chief Executive, RSA, said, "We are delighted to launch this viral video as it will aid cyclists and goods vehicle drivers to understand the difficulties they face when interacting with each other on the roads. Through this viral video, we hope to encourage them to work together to make our roads a safer place not only for themselves, but for all road users". 

The film is available to download from YouTube and the following websites, Road Safety Authority, Department of Transport, Dublin City Council, Local Authorities, Irish Road Haulage Association, and all cycling club websites throughout the country. The clip is available to all third level colleges and those who wish may use it on their website.

Please follow the link to download the film clip HGV and Cycling  Safety Video. You can download Pedal Cyclists Road casualites 1998 to 2008, from the RSA website or by Clicking on the link.



For further information, please contact:
Communications Office, Road Safety Authority – 096 25008


Brian Farrell, Communications manager -086 3881009


Notes to Editor:

A Goods vehicle is a road motor vehicle designed, exclusively or primarily, to carry goods. It is a vehicle with passengers accommodation for not more than 8 persons and having a design gross vehicle weight (GVW) over 3,500 kg.





Communications Department

Road Safety Authority

Moy Valley Business Park

Primrose Hill

Dublin Road


Co. Mayo

(096) 25008

Death by a Thousand Cuts

Press Release

8th March, 2010 Irish Wildlife Trust

Death by a Thousand Cuts

- Report illegal hedge cutting to IWT and help protect our wildlife.

Illegal hedgerow cutting is detrimental to Irish wildlife and the Irish Wildlife Trust are appealing to land managers to stop. Hedge cutting typically starts around now and continues well into the summer months but unless for reasons of health and safety this practice is prohibited by the Wildlife Act from the 1st of March to the 31st of August every year.  At this time of year birds and mammals are breeding and flowering is providing seeds for the next generation. Despite this is seems that Local Authorities in Ireland only start cutting hedges in the summer months, creating eye-sores and causing untold destruction to wildlife. 

Hedgerows are essential in providing habitats and corridors for maintaining wildlife diversity, supporting species such as badgers, owls, hedgehogs, stoats, blackbirds and innumerable plants, butterflies and other insects. Not only are they an invaluable reserve for much of our wildlife they are important in providing pollinators, cleaning our air, defining our landscape, storing carbon and by holding back the flow of water off land they can alleviate flooding.

'In spite of all these benefits, the Irish hedgerow is suffering 'death by a thousand cuts'. They are frequently mismanaged, flayed to within an inch of their existence, or simply removed during the construction of one-off houses and replaced with invasive alien cherry laurel – a plant of no value to wildlife.' Commented Padraic Fogarty - IWT Chairperson.
Each year the IWT encourages the public to report instances of illegal hedgerow cutting to the IWT, which are followed up with letters to the relevant county council and the Minister for Environment. Just email the date, location, and if possible the name of the land manager involved and a photo to 


For further information please contact Joanne Pender, IWT Development Officer 
Ph: 01 860 2839 or E-mail:
Editors Notes:
The Irish Wildlife Trust was founded in 1979 as a charitable conservation body. We provide the public with information about wildlife, run education and training programs like SAC Watch and the Outdoor Classroom Programme, carry out habitat and species surveys like the IWT National Lizard Survey, campaign and lobby around biodiversity issues, restore natural habitats, consult with industry, agriculture and Local Authorities to maintain our natural heritage and contribute to national and international forums for the protection of biodiversity. The IWT is a nationwide organisation with a strong membership base, staff and Board of Directors, with branches in Tipperary, Clare, Limerick, Waterford and Cork.

Monday, March 1, 2010

TWENTY TEN - PLANT AGAIN: National Tree Week 7-13 March 2010

Duncan Stewart launches National Tree Week and asks us in Twenty Ten to plant again


On Monday 1 March at Farmleigh at 11.00, Duncan Stewart launched 'National Tree Week'. Organised by the Tree Council of Ireland and supported by Coillte. In recognition of the 26th anniversary of National Tree Week from 7th – 13th March 2010, the theme this year is 'Twenty Ten – Plant Again', celebrating the importance of trees in our world?  Over 500,000 trees have been planted as part of National Tree Week during the last 25 years and once again, this year, Coillte has supplied an additional 15,000 trees for planting, which will be distributed to schools and community groups by every local authority nationwide.


Throughout the week there are events taking place in each county, including:


  • Launch of Poster Exhibition by Éanna Ní Lamhna, RTE, at Charleville Mall Public library, North Strand on  Wed 3 March a 12pm
  • Tree Walk with John Mc Loughlin, Tree Council of Ireland, Phoenix Park Visitor Centre,  Sunday 7 March 10, at 3.00
  • Tree planting by Christy Cooney, GAA President at Clan na Gael, Ringsend on Tuesday 9 March at 11.00am

·        Augustine Henry Lecture in the RDS – "Multifunctional Plantation Forestry in Atlantic Europe" by Professor (Emeritus) Ted Farrell – UCD,  The Merrion Room, RDS, Thurs 11 March 10 at 7.30 pm

  •  Launch of Tree Trail at All Hallows College by Bertie Ahern, TD at All Hallows College on  Monday 8 March at  2.30 pm
  • Tree Planting Ceremony to celebrate Mother's Day with Éanna Ní Lamhna
  • & the launch of IKEA's Family Woodland Scheme at  Turvey Park, Donabate on   at 13 March  at 11am
  • For details of  events in your area visit


Helena Mc Gorman, President, Tree Council of Ireland, said: ". We selected the theme 'Twenty Ten – Plant again' to urge people to look at how important trees are in our world. Furthermore, today the importance of trees in protecting our environment, and repairing some of the damage that has been done to the earth is even more relevant. The aim of National Tree Week is to highlight the role trees play in cleaning the air, preventing the build-up of greenhouse gases, providing renewable energy and providing a source for building and furniture."


Gerard Murphy, Managing Director, Coillte Forest said "The Coillte Press Release piece is:  'One of Coillte's core values is to contribute positively to the environment and to communities and Tree Week encapsulates this value wholeheartedly.  Coillte is delighted to sponsor Tree Week which will see up to 20,000 trees planted in communities by communities, trees that will provide benefits for many generations'.






For Further Information Please Contact:


John Mc Loughlin – Tree Council of Ireland


086 250 6022


Why plant more trees?



  • With 10% forest cover  Ireland remains one of the least forested country in Europe which has an average of 44% cover
  • Many of our specimen trees were planted in the 18th and 19th Century and are in urgent need of replacement
  • The strategic development plan for forestry has a target of 17% forest cover by 2030
  • The forest industry is worth €1.65 billion annually
  • It is estimated that more than 10,000 people are employed in the industry mainly in rural Ireland
  • More than 17,000 farmers own and manage farm woodlands
  • The non timber benefits of forestry include bio-diversity, carbon sequestration, wood biomass energy and recreation
  • Ireland's forests provide an opportunity to conserve bio-diversity at local and national level
  • Ireland's forest provide a potential to for wood to displace fossil fuels
  • Over 200,000 people use forest trails for exercise. 'Walking Tourism' brings in approx 500,000 visitors with a spend of €138k
  • Wood is uniquely renewable among building material