Monday, July 19, 2010

The Financial Crisis, Peak Oil and You: Building Resilience From the Bottom Up


Press Release – for immediate release – 19th July 2010

Transition Cork City – The Resilient Rebels


The Financial Crisis, Peak Oil and You:  Building Resilience From the Bottom Up

A unique chance to hear a global perspective on current Money and Energy challenges, and how Cork communities can gear up locally for power-down.


Date:  Sunday 1st August 2010

Time:  7:30 pm

Location:  The Pegasus Room, Clarion Hotel, Lapp's Quay, Cork

Entrance:  €5 (free for unwaged)


The world renowned blogger Stoneleigh (aka Nicole Foss) of The Automatic Earth ( is currently touring Europe and will be speaking in Cork on Sunday August 1st, at 7:30 pm in the Clarion Hotel.  She is an energy industry consultant, a financial analyst and former editor of the Oil Drum Canada.


Stoneleigh, and her co-blogger Illargi, were some of very few analysts globally who foresaw such things as the collapse of Lehmann Brothers and the Icelandic banks, so her insights into what is really happening in the financial world are definitely worth hearing.  Her talks present very clearly the stark challenges which lie ahead, and she has made a huge impression wherever she has spoken.  For anyone who wants to find out what is coming down the line, this talk by Stoneleigh is a must.


Stoneleigh's Cork talk is the first of three such talks in Ireland, as part of her current European tour.  She is also speaking in Castlebar, Co. Mayo at the Linenhall Theatre on Monday 2nd August, and at the Greenhouse in Dublin on Tuesday 3rd August.


Stoneleigh is being hosted in Cork by Transition Cork City – The Resilient Rebels, the local initiative of the global Transition movement.  The Transition movement explores how communities can come together and respond to the challenges, and opportunities, of Peak Oil, Climate Change, and increasingly, economic stagnation.  Transition Cork City was formed earlier this year by a group of individuals interested in coming together to find a collective community response to the challenges facing the city, and to help build local resilience.




For further information contact:  Dominick Donnelly

Tel:  087-1210783  or  email:



Further information on Stoneleigh:

She is now a fulltime blogger, with her partner, Illargi, on The Automatic Earth ( )

She is a former editor of The Oil Drum Canada.

She ran the Agri-Energy Producers Association of Ontario, where she has focused on farm based biogas projects and grid connections for renewable energy.

In the UK she was Research Fellow at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, where she specialized in nuclear safety in Eastern European & former Soviet Union and conducted research into electricity policy at the EU level.

She has a BSc in biology from Carleton University in Canada, and a post grad diploma in air and water pollution control. She also has a LLM in international law in development from University of Warwick in the UK. University medal for top science graduate in 1988 and the law school prize for top law school graduate in1997.



Further information on Transition Cork City – The Resilient Rebels

Transition Cork City was started in February 2010, as the local Transition initiative of the growing international Transition movement.  Find us on Facebook at or on the Transition Ireland website at